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Level 2 Safeguarding Certificate

Vital training for those in leadership or middle management roles in international schools.

As the leaders that other teachers, parents and students turn to when there are problems between students or before making child protection reports official, they need to feel confident around what of the first steps to manage these challenging issues.


This training ensures that your School Leaders know how to recognise and address when peer on peer abuse and when a child’s poor behaviour is likely to be due to trauma they have experienced or abuse that may be ongoing.


Explore at what point an issue is a Child Protection concerns and therefore needs to be passed to the Safeguarding  team and when it is appropriate to 'check in' with the students involved first. In addition, join us in a deep dive into how predators can groom schools so their abusive behaviour goes unchallenged, sometimes for years. As you can see, this training is not just an extension of the Level 1, it will be vitally important for many school staff.


This training is designed for leadership and middle management roles in international schools, including but not limited to:

  • Heads of Year

  • Heads of Department

  • Pastoral Care Leaders

  • Assistant Principals or Deputy Heads


Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate in Level 2 Safeguarding Training for Leadership and Middle Management. This certification demonstrates their ability to manage safeguarding responsibilities effectively and contribute to a culture of safeguarding excellence in their schools.


Individual Price:



Contact Us for pricing options for schools.


Course Delivery

The course is structured to offer flexibility for participants while maintaining a focus on practical application:


Independent Learning (4-5 hours)

  • Pre-recorded video modules: Covering all key topics, with real-world examples and expert insights.

  • Reflective Tasks:

       -Practical exercises to apply learning, such as analysing case studies, drafting action plans, and completing

        decision-making scenarios.

       -Self-reflection prompts to consider how safeguarding practices can be embedded into their specific roles.

  • Downloadable Resources:

​       -Templates for reporting concerns and managing disclosures

       -Quick-reference guides on trauma-informed practices and grooming behaviours

       -Summary sheets for key learning points


Optional Live Workshop (1.5 hours)

  • An interactive session to embed learning: Facilitated by an experienced safeguarding trainer.                                Includes:                                                                                                                                                                                              - Group discussions on complex scenarios.                                                                                                                                      -Role-play activities to practise handling disclosures                                                                                                                     -Q&A session for tailored advice and clarification


​Completion and Assessment

  • Participants must complete all video modules and reflective tasks to receive a certificate of completion.

  • The optional workshop is encouraged to deepen understanding and enhance practical application but is not mandatory for certification.

Level 2 Safeguarding Training

Learning Outcomes


By the end of this course, participants will:

  • Recognise signs of peer-on-peer abuse and implement appropriate interventions.

  • Differentiate between behavioural issues stemming from trauma, ongoing abuse, or other causes.

  • Assess situations to determine when immediate reporting to the Safeguarding team is necessary and when further inquiry is appropriate.

  • Demonstrate effective communication skills when addressing concerns with students, parents, and staff.

  • Identify grooming behaviours and tactics used by potential predators within the school environment.

  • Implement strategies to create a culture of safeguarding awareness and prevention within their area of responsibility.

  • Apply trauma-informed approaches to managing student behaviour and concerns.

  • Navigate the complexities of international school environments in relation to safeguarding practices.

  • Understand their role in the wider safeguarding structure of the school and how to support the Safeguarding team effectively.

  • Confidently manage initial disclosures and concerns until the Safeguarding team can respond.


Course Content


Module 1: International Context & Legal Framework

  • Understanding the global safeguarding context for international schools

  • Legal and regulatory frameworks relevant to safeguarding

  • Adapting safeguarding practices to diverse cultural settings


Module 2: What is Child Abuse & Neglect? An Overview

  • Defining and recognising the various forms of child abuse and neglect

  • Key indicators and early warning signs

  • Exploring case studies to understand nuanced safeguarding scenarios


Module 3: Poor Behaviour vs Trauma

  • Identifying when poor behaviour stems from trauma

  • Exploring the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

  • Trauma-informed strategies to manage and support affected students


Module 4: Trauma-Informed Conversations

  • Engaging in sensitive and supportive conversations with students

  • Strategies for building trust and rapport

  • Practical tips for maintaining a trauma-informed approach during disclosures


Module 5: Grooming Schools

  • Understanding how predators groom schools, staff, and communities

  • Identifying grooming behaviours in students, staff, and parents

  • Proactive measures to prevent grooming and create a safe school environment


Module 6: Peer-on-Peer Concerns

  • Recognising and addressing peer-on-peer abuse

  • Implementing effective interventions and support strategies

  • Balancing disciplinary measures with safeguarding responses


Encompass Safeguarding Ltd, Cheshire, UK 

Company Registration Number 14266316, Registered in England & Wales

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